Con questa ricetta farete un pieno di sali minerali e vitamine . Disintossicante e antiossidante per la presenza della barbabietola rossa .
For the vinaigrette
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoonDijon mustard
Insalata di barbabietole rosse e patate
3 barbabietole medie
3 patate medie
1 spicchio d’ aglio
o 2 cipollotti freschi
o 2 cipollotti freschi
Per la vinaigrette
4 cucchiai di olio extravergine d’ oliva
2 cucchiai aceto di mele
1 cucchiaio di mostarda di Digione
1 cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato
Sale e pepe q.b
Lavate le patate e le barbabietole rosse, se preferite pelatele .Mettete nel microonde prima le patate e fatele cuocere per 10 minuti alla massima temperatura o finché sono cotte.
Ora fate lo stesso con le barbabietole rosse ma cuocetele nel microonde per 20-25 minuti o finchè anche loro sono cotte.
Lasciate raffreddare patate e barbabietole rosse, pelatele e tagliatele a cubetti. Mettetele in un insalatiera insieme allo spicchio d’ aglio pelato .
Fate una vinaigrette, shakerando in un barattolo ( chiuso ) ; l’ aceto , la mostarda , il sale il pepe il prezzemolo tritato e l’ olio .
Ora condite patate e barbabietole con la vinaigrette preparata prima.
Lasciate in frigo per qualche ora prima di mangiarla .
Beetroot & potato salad
3 medium beetroot
3 medium potatoes
1 'garlic clove
or 2 fresh spring onions
3 medium potatoes
1 'garlic clove
or 2 fresh spring onions
For the vinaigrette
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
Wash the potatoes and the beetroot .Just boil it and peel it after . Place the potatoes in the microwave first and cook for 10 minutes at maximum temperature, or until they are cooked.
Now do the same with the beetroot in the microwave, but cook for 20-25 minutes or until they are well cooked.
Let cool potatoes and beetroot, peel them and cut it into cubes. Place in a salad bowl along with the peeled garlic clove .
Salt and pepper to taste
Wash the potatoes and the beetroot .Just boil it and peel it after . Place the potatoes in the microwave first and cook for 10 minutes at maximum temperature, or until they are cooked.
Now do the same with the beetroot in the microwave, but cook for 20-25 minutes or until they are well cooked.
Let cool potatoes and beetroot, peel them and cut it into cubes. Place in a salad bowl along with the peeled garlic clove .
Combine the vinaigrette ingredients together ,shake vigorously in a jar with a screw-on lid. Pour evenly over the salad.
Leave in the fridge for a few hours before eating.
Leave in the fridge for a few hours before eating.